How Do You Protect A Pool Table In Arizona Weather?

In Arizona, you need to be concerned with protecting your valued pieces of furniture from damaging dryness, heat and sunlight. These conditions dramatically lessen the lifetime of any possession. Adhering to the following tips will help you to protect your pool table, arizona weather included, ensuring its useful lifetime. After all, you may want to pass this fun piece of furniture on to your kids and grandkids.

To protect your pool table from dryness, you can install a central humidifier or place a few portable humidifiers strategically around the house. This will protect not only your furniture, but your flooring as well (not to mention your skin!). Although most of Arizona’s heating and cooling vents are located near the ceiling, don’t place your phoenix pool tables near direct sources of heating and air conditioning. This can dry out the wood and joints, which will consequently squeak and crack. If you own a misting fan, don’t point it towards the pool table or any other piece of upholstered furniture, as it will damage the wood, fabric and leather.

Although we want your kids to play with the pool table, we don’t want your kids to play on the pool table. Not only is this potentially dangerous, but this piece of equipment might not stand up well against dirty shoes or jumping up and down. The same can be said for cats and other pets that carry goodness knows what on their paws. Also avoid sitting on your pool table; the jumping on and off could affect its level.

The sunlight will perhaps cause the most damage to your pool table in arizona. Sunlight will eventually fade the color of anything it shines on. The sunshine will also damage any leather pockets on the table. Having tinted windows helps, but it still allows 30% of the sun’s ultraviolet rays to enter into a room. Therefore, close curtains or blinds to prevent the sun from shining directly on the table. You may want to consider having the fabric of your pool table sprayed with a protector. In case some type of cool beverage should spill on your table, blot up the liquid immediately with a clean, dry, absorbent cloth. Do not rub the spill, as this may damage the table’s fabric. Also be cautious that the cloth is colorfast; otherwise, the color of the cloth could bleed onto the table’s fabric. If the spill leaves a stain, consult the manufacturer’s recommendations, or have a professional take care of it.

If you have wood floors, you will want to protect them by placing rubber or felt pads underneath the table’s legs. Of course, a large area rug will also do the trick. Finally, follow the manufacturer’s directions for routine care and cleaning, being careful that your dusting rag doesn’t rub against the perimeter of the fabric cover. This type of abuse, repeated over and over during regular cleanings, will undoubtedly cause marking and/or damage.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Adhering to these tips will keep your pool table in arizona in top condition. This will ensure a lifetime of many happy family memories of games played on your beautiful new pool table.